Saturday, January 19, 2008

Please stand by

Thank you to those of you that have already stopped by and subscribed.

I have a few stories in the wings waiting for editing and will be recording again, soon.
Currently I have a cold and my voice is coming and going of it's own accord. Please hang in there, stories are on the way, including one by Hans Christian Anderson and some original Grimms' tales.

Note to parents: These stories are not the disney-ified versions your kids may be used to... some are downright gory... please listen to them first as you are the best judge of what your child should listen to and can tolerate.

Again, I am open to requests and comment on how to improve the stories I read to you!

Thanks again for sticking in there with me while I get this thing up and running!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Aesops Fables

Here are three Aesop's fables to get us started.
Included are The Peacock and The Crane, The Fox and The Goat, and The Horse, Hunter and the Stag.


Thanks for joining me!

If you enjoyed these stories, there are many more in your local public library.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Thumbnail Image

I found the image I think I want to use when I start posting to iTunes...
This is called "Riding the Wind" and I need to tell you it is a copyrighted image from the website

By doing that and showing the copyright disclaimer I have followed her guidelines for using her artwork.

Here is the thumbnail version of it and the whole image for your enjoyment.

Title: Riding the Wind
Medium: Watercolor, colored pencil and digital
Alane Fieldson © 2002